More plumbers and more dejunking
Today went pretty well. I met the first plumber around 8:30 a.m. and he was pretty nice. The second plumber called and was able to move my appointment up so I was finished with them sooner than expected. Both meetings went pretty well.
During the time waiting for the plumbers and after they left, I finished dejunking the house! Completely! All the trash is bagged and/or stacked and just waiting for trash day. There are currently 40 bags of trash in addition various boxes and large objects stacked about. There is also about two bags full of chemicals to be disposed of. I am recycling anything I can.
I spent about an hour and a half prepping to go to the permit office for the try at applying tomorrow. It's a multi-step process, so I expect to have to go back again.
Here is a before shot of the last bedroom:

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