A lot of activity
Today the plumber was supposed to show up at 8 am to make the last hole in the roof before the roofers began reinstalling the roof. There was one more bathroom vent to put in. The roof inspection was scheduled for between 8 and 10 am, and then they were going to get right to work putting the new shingles on to protect us from rain.
At 8:30, there was still no plumber. I called him, and he said they had an emergency call and would be there by 10:00. The inspector showed up at 9:30, and we easily passed. He said the decking was in good condition. Fortunately, the roofers still had some repair work to do, so they didn't start the installation right away. I took advantage of the bare roof, and went up myself. I fugured it will probably not be bare again in my lifetime, and one of the best ways to preserve your roof is to stay off it. It was an interesting perspective.
At 10:30, still no plumber. I called back and they were still on an emergency call. I was getting concerned because the roofers were just finishing repairs and waiting for a materials delivery and would be starting. The plumber arrived at 12:15, which was good because the roofing foreman was supposed to arrive with the materials at 12:30. Mini-crisis averted!
At 12:15, the rental company arrived to service the portable toilet I have in the driveway. The roofer had to move his truck so the toilet could be accessed. Wouldn't you know it, his truck wouldn't start! The toilet rental guy was a bit upset - I am guessing he has to keep a schedule. The roofer had to pop his hood and a few of the guys looked at it. It eventually started in about 10 minutes and another mini-crisis was averted.
I met the General Contractor at 3 p.m. He is going to do a lot of the remaining work on the house, including some technical drawings for a window we are changing. The meeting went well and we signed our contract and got some things figured out. After that, I again filled my trash can with trash left behind by the prior owner. After today, we are down to just 17 bags and 1 box. I am hopeful I can have it all or mostly gone by the time we move in.
Here is a shot of the bare roof, ready for inspection:

The waterproof paper is on the house already, which will protect us in case of rain. The garage was still partially tarped. I think the fascia board makes such a difference.

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