9 days to go, and not looking good
After opening up for the day, I went through some things with the contractor. I am really going to try to tackle the granite tile this week. Yikes! I was able to borrow a tile saw and several tools from a friend (and fellow "handy ma'am") who did some tiling in her house. This was great because one of my fears is that I will end up with a garage full of tools I've used one time. I have having stuff around like that. Clutter and excess stuff drive me bonkers.
One room is completely primed, which is a big milestone. It looks better already. The old paint was just so gross. Painting really seems to renew the place.
The electrician came out today and reconnected the meter and turned on some outlets. We now have electricity in the house! Yay!
Here is a shot of the now properly framed master bedroom window.

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
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