A mixed day
Today was mostly a good day - I got a lot done, and the "to do" list is looking better. There is more behind me than in front, and the remaining tasks are becoming less complex as the days pass. I met the contractor at 9 a.m. and he mentioned that one of his guys was really sick and would probably be out at least a week. This may slow things down, but we'll figure it out somehow. We already gave notice at our apartment, so we may have to extend our time here.
I ran to the plumbing supply place and picked up the water filter and spout for the kitchen sink. It is a small, but nice thing to have filtered, room-temperature water always available. We will have filtered water in the fridge door, but how can you fill a cooking pot with that? Also, one of the things I learned was that it is good to have a separate, small faucet for the filtered water so that you only use the filter when you need it (i.e. for drinking and cooking and not for washing dishes). That way, you end up filtering less water and using fewer filters. One of the plumbers (not the one that gave me a hard time) mentioned to me that Everpure is a good brand. He's been a plumber for years, and they have not changed the filter shape in all that time. Any improvements they make maintain the original shape, so if you have an Everpure system from years ago you can use the current filters for it. This is important because some of the other brands change their filters and it may become hard to get them.
Next, I went to a metal plating shop. I had no idea these places even existed. I have to have the bathtub faucet plated to match all the other pieces since that one piece is not made in the finish that I've ordered for all the other pieces. They can plate anything metal - they do a lot of door hardware. After that, I went to a plywood store which is again, something I never knew existed. I thought plywood was only the stuff they sell at Home Depot. You can get plywood in many types of wood like teak, maple, bamboo, etc. It is really beautiful and a lot cheaper than the solid versions of those woods. I was looking for floor material for the kitchen and material to make closet doors out of.
Next I went to a door and molding store. There are so many choices! This was really an exploratory trip just to get myself a bit acclimated to looking at doors, so it wasn't too bad.
After doing my food shopping, I made a quick stop at the house and then home to face my laundry piles. I'm a little less behind on laundry and other chores than I have been for a few months, which is nice.
This a sticky, nasty splatter on the bathroom door I was trying to clean. It looks like chocolate sauce or hair dye maybe. These spatters appear on the ceiling of the living room too. Hmmmmm........

Master bedroom windows have been removed in anticipation of replacement.

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