Two Steps forward, one step back
We got back yesterday evening from a much needed week of vacation. Whew, what a relief to be free of house worries for a whole week. The contractor had an ambitious week planned in our absence, and got most of it done so that was two steps forward. The one step back was that the last day of our trip, Friday, he was supposed to get the kitchen cabinets and appliances in. He didn't get to this, which is not so terrible since it's only a day. But we were very much looking forward to a more complete kitchen, at least where we could put some of our stuff away. We are a little worse off in terms of food preparation since now anything we move into the kitchen has to be out by Monday so he can keep working. It was a bit of a disappointment, but we are still doing pretty good on the schedule.
Here is a shot of the bay window in the dining area. This is the paint color for the kitchen and dining area. So far, I am pretty happy with my paint choices. It was difficult to choose paint with nothing in the room to match to. We had the contractor do the painting because the walls were just trashed. He sanded them, patched them where needed ( a lot of patching), and sprayed a texture on under the paint to mask the imperfections. The result is really nice, much nicer than I could have done. Also, we considered it an investment. Now that the walls have been professionally painted and restored, we can update the paint easily any time we want.
We are leaving the windows in their natural woodtone (finishing with clear shellac). The blue tape is where I have started shellacking. There will also be trim to finish the windows.

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