Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Grinding sucks!

What a lousy night. Since we can only work on grinding together (one to work the grinder, one to deal with the water) we scheduled a late night work session tonight. (C gets home quite late). After spending 2 1/2 hours tarping, we finally started grinding at 10 pm. I am a morning person who does not like late nights, particularly working at night so this is especially bad for me.

45 minutes into the grinding, we took a break and discovered 1/2 " of water in front of the fridge. Ugh! It is so frustrating. No matter how much and how carefully you tarp, it's just impossible to make it watertight. But I am getting better at it. Each time I have to tarp, I learn something. We cleaned up this mess, and when I went to empty the shop vac, the clamp holding the top on gave out and the dirty water spilled all over the place. I wanted to quit so bad, but we really can't due to schedule pressures to get this done.

We got back to grinding, and discovered that the tarping around the fridge had leaked again! I wanted to just take a jackhammer to the countertops and put in plywood! There was a lot less water than the first time though, so we decided to go ahead with a few more hours of grinding. The kitchen does have some tolerance for water, and we make sure it dries out between grinding sessions.

At 2:30 a.m. the grinder finally quit and we had to call it a night. After cleaning up and bathing, we got to bed around 3:30. Not fun.


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