Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Dog repellant stinks!

I started the day by washing the clothes I was wearing when I sprayed the dog repellant yesterday. I put just three items in the washer - my jeans, t-shirt and sweatshirt and did the heaviest wash I could do - hot water, bleach, extra soak, extra rinse, extra soil level, etc. After two times, the jeans still had the smell on them! It was very faint, but still there. I hope it fades to nothing with time. We can really smell the repellant out front, but unfortunately, C spotted a dog leaving a pile less than 24 hours after we sprayed. The person picked it up, but as bad as it smells out there I can't believe he was on our grass.

We didn't get much house stuff done today as we spent time doing Christmas related stuff. The plumber's stainless steel guy did call in the morning and wanted $100 to come out and cut three holes (about 10 minutes work). Not only did we not want to pay this, I wanted the satisfaction of sweetly telling the plumber that we were able to do it ourselves. We did try to use the cutter we bought at Ikea, and found we needed to make a starter hole of 1 centimeter into which the cutter goes. I went to Home Depot and bought a set of titanium coated drill bits made for hard metal. C did the drilling, and based on prior experience drilling into metal, he started with the smallest bit. After an hour and two broken bits, he finally got the hole drilled with the third smallest bit. Once it was drilled, we were able to easily enlarge it. The next hole took him 30 seconds because he started with the 1 cm drill bit right away and it went right through. It's just one of those things that you have to learn by doing. Unfortunately, by the time he finished it was after 11 pm, and we didn't have the correct wrench to use the cutter. That's our first project tomorrow.


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