Saturday, July 14, 2007

Saturday around the house

C and I worked today on making final decision on the stucco color. Here is are the colors we are choosing from:

I really like the dark brown color and it was my first choice for a long time (really since we've had the house). But C made a really good point about it being hot in the sun, and sure enough you could feel a big difference between the dark brown and the other colors. That was a big sticking point for me and I began to think about other colors. We both don't like the second from left color - it's too pink. Don't get me wrong, I love pink, but I love it in a t-shirt not a house color (at least not our house). I also love the one on the right, but it is too grey for this purpose. I want a brownish color to match the roof and serve as a backdrop for the red hues in our future landscaping.

That leaves the second from right color, which has been my second favorite after the brown. I am pleased about the color and get more excited about it as time passes. A lot of people think beige/tan/brown is boring but I love rich neutrals. We can also "accessorize" this color with trim, stone and plants. We are planning to go over the brick on the porch with flagstone in bolder tones like rust, reddish brown, dark brown, etc. I am much happier having bold accents (including the porch, which I am psyched about!) and a neutral colored house. I wanted a lighter, beachier feel and I don't think the dark brown would have worked as well. It's a really bold, contemporary color which may not look right on a 1950's bungalow.

C and I also spent some time cleaning up cat poo out of the backyard. Outdoor cats are really gross (sorry cat owners!). We have a slew of neighborhood cats that use our backyard as a litter box and since the little buggers bury their poo, it's all over the place stinking up our yard and you can't find it till the dog tries to eat it. Nice, thanks cat owners. Not only does it stink, but cat poo is toxic to humans and dogs because it carries a parasite called toxoplasma (ever heard pregnant women shouldn't change a cat box? That's why). The father of our good friend spent two weeks in the hospital near death after laying bricks on a sand bed that cats had been using as a litter box. Not only does it stink and cause illness, but they wake us up at night with their howling. I can't wait to let the dog back there and give him big praise for keeping the cats out.

I also unpacked another box and bought a second in from the garage. I moved some things around in the garage and managed to get the ladder and sawhorses put in there. We are gradually moving toward getting all the house things in the house and all the garage things in the garage. Emphasis on gradually.


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