Saturday, August 25, 2007

windows cleaned today

Today we had a guy come to clean the windows. This may seem like a silly thing to spend money on - I mean how hard is it to clean first floor windows, especially since we have the tilt-in kind? Well, our prior incompetent contractor didn't used drop cloths or masking tape, so in many areas of the house we have splatters of various materials. Our exterior window frames are no exception. The beautiful, brand new sparkling white frames have stucco residue all over them from when the stucco was patched after the window installation. I had planned on cleaning it myself, but when the stucco guy was here doing the new stucco he strongly cautioned me against that, saying I would scratch the frame (it's fiberglass). He gave me the number of a window cleaner who he said works really cheap and knows how to do detailed construction cleanup like we have. I had him come out today, and boy was it worth it! Had I done it myself, it would have been the equivalent of less than minimum wage and it wouldn't have been done for a while. The frames look great and now that we have new stucco the difference is striking. He got the glass so clean you couldn't see it (try that with Windex)! The longer range shots didn't show the change well, but here are two close ups of the same window.

Before, covered with stucco residue:

After, sparkling clean.


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