Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Windows and decluttering

I haven't gotten much work done in the last week or so due to out of town company.

I did spend 1.25 hours on the windows, bringing my total hours on the windows to 224.5. I finished prep on the 3 bay windows in the dining area and put a coat on the surface where the trim will be nailed on the bay windows and side door. Since it will be covered, I only did one coat. I had to rip out a bunch of trim one of the contractors put in backwards! He put the wrong edge on the inside. Somehow, I managed to gouge one of the window sashes. It should be okay once I putty it.

I finished going through a big box of cleaning supplies from our move in May 2006. Things were so chaotic at the time of our move and in the time after that it wasn't accessible for a while. I finally am now getting to it. For a long time, we didn't have much to clean so I just bought what I needed. I also took care of an accumulated pile of things to go into garage. Due to dog issues, I let stuff pile up and then put it away in a batch. One dog cannot tolerate the evil garage door opener and tries to eat and/or attack the door. The other dog is puppy-ish and curious which is not a good combination in an unfinished garage. I got rid of two large boxes and put a huge trash bag full of stuff in the car for Goodwill. It's not much, but it is progress.


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