Friday, November 19, 2010

Week ending 11/19/10

On Saturday the painters finished. They did an okay job, not too bad but there are loads of splatters all over the house I have to clean up. One of the things I've learned is that you never really get any closer to being done on a fixer upper house, you just move to a different place on the to-do list. Having the paint done means 1 big job is off the list but many small ones have been added.

The idiot painters even ruined a pair of C's favorite pants. What is wrong with people that they don't use tarps? Having gotten burned by tarp-adverse contractors before, I've learned to put the use of tarps into my contracts. I could have fought and gotten the pants replaced (and the window shade, hand finished front door and the numerous other things they dripped paint on) but I've had so much of that kind of fight I just don't have the energy any more for it. So I put up with their crap and shoddy work.

Here is a shot of one of the corners of the living room. C's screen is on the right - we painted the wall around it black!


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