Friday, July 13, 2012

Week ending 7/13/12

On Wednesday, I finally started getting materials ordered for the bathtub replacement.  I tried to order the glass wall tile online, but the store I found made it really hard to order.  They had various shipping options, one of which was "pickup from one of our 20 US locations."  I wanted to pick that since it was cheapest, but nowhere on the site was there a list of locations.  There was also no easy way to see the cost of shipping, so I bailed on the order.  Lo and behold, I get an email later saying that "You didn't complete your order, click here to complete it."  Lovely.  I replied with my shipping concerns and got some lame answer back.  FAIL!  Why is there so much incompetence in the home improvement industry?

On Friday we spent 3 hours going to tile store.  It took a long time to get there in Friday traffic even though we left at 2:30.  The first guy who tried to help us was no help, but the second guy was great.  I used this tile store early on in our remodel so I hoped they'd be good second time around and they were (so far).  We took some samples home for the bathroom floor, so we'll test those out over the next few days.  We tried to order Menta (green ceramic) for the walls, but when I looked at the quantities specified by the tile guy they seemed WAY off, as in about twice the square footage (10% for breakage, cutting, etc is normal).  I also tried to order the glass tile but they didn't have a price and the east coast supplier was closed so I couldn't get that order either.  It was disappointing, but we at least got the process started. 


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