Saturday, January 21, 2006

A day off

Today I had planned to take a day off. This week has been really draining, although I am enjoying the project overall. I've been up really late and starting really early, so I've had way too little sleep and could feel my problem-solving and decision-making brain circuits shutting down last night. After talking to C this morning, we then thought we should get over to the house and take care of some small things like measuring and figuring where certain things will go so I can direct the contractors. As we were getting ready to leave, I just couldn't go. I was too tired and needed to unplug.

We ended up doing a small run to the hardware store on our way out to meet friends. We also measure the room we are using as our bedroom (which is not the largest bedroom) and found that our bed will fit. Yay!

Before dinner, our friends came over and saw the house for the first time. We were happy they got to see it in the more or less before state. It was fun to show them.

I was glad I took the day off. I felt much better tonight - a bit recharged and more ready to tackle problems. Interestly enough, C and I solved the problem of providing a construction waste management plan with our permits today, and we were just discussing it casually. Today was a good lesson that sometimes a day off adds more the the project than you lose in time. Also, it was a good lesson in pacing ourselves. This is a long project and we have to approach it more like tortoises and less like hares.


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