An OK day
The roofing inspection was today, and we passed. Yay! The roof looks really good, and it has made a huge, immediate improvement in how the house looks. I think this has been one of the more "soul" satisfying jobs so far. It felt so good to get rid of 54 years of accumulated shingles and start fresh and do it right. Everything is trimmed nicely and primed (to be painted later). Also, a lot of the work I've done so far doesn't "show." The first 20% of the work makes the place look horrible, and it stays that way for the next 70%. It isn't until the last 10% when the flooring, tile, paint, appliances, lighting, etc start to go in that it starts to look better. The nice thing about the roof is that it looks better immediately. I love the color I picked!
I also braved yet another trip to Home Depot. There are so many little things to buy I just have to break it down to small trips. A lot of the stuff I need to buy I am hesitant to buy just yet because it won't be installed for a while so if there is a problem it may be beyone the return date. So, for those items I am just noting the model number and will buy it closer to the installation date.
I also took care of some much needed personal business such as laundry, food shopping, post office, bank, etc. These things have slipped badly since the remodel started. I'm afraid of what is lurking in my pile of mail!
Here is a shot of the front of the house with the finished roof. I like the way they followed the shape of the bump out with the shingles.

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