no day off today
Even thought today was a Saturday, it was no day off for us! We went to the house and C got to check out the week's progress. We also looked at the paint colors, and C helped me finalize the colors for the living room. C also worked on placing the box where the hub for all the wiring will go. It's a little tricky to do - it's a bit wider than the space between the studs and we weren't sure when it should be installed with respect to the drywall.
We were waiting for our cabinet delivery from Ikea, which actually came early and had every piece it was supposed to - all 125 pieces! After the Ikea delivery, we went to the local hardware store and picked up some stuff C will need to staple all the wires in place. Then we went home and crashed. I was really exhausted from too many long weeks in a row.
C really got into things today at the house. He knocked out this last remaining cement wall with a sledge hammer. He also took an axe to some overhanging tree branches.

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