Trees and some excitement!
Today's big accomplishement was getting the trees trimmed. We have huge, tall ficus trees along the side of the backyard that provide great separation from a two-story apartment building on that side. They were overgrown when we first looked at the house last October, so you can imagine how bad they finally got. Here is a before shot looking back toward the house:

Here is the first door to be installed. It is a really cool sliding glass door with frosted glass and an aluminum frame. It will have glass shelves and lighting inside for a "china cabinet" effect.

The other exciting thing for today is that I ordered the washer and dryer. They will be delivered and installed in two weeks! Yay! It's been so long since I've had a washer and dryer in my house. Years in fact. I've been going to the laundromat lately, and it's really not that bad - people are actually quite polite and I get some time to read. Having my own machines will be so nice though!
One small problem that popped up today was that I realized we ordered a "wall" oven meant to go into a cabinet about shoulder height. Ours is supposed to go under the counter. I was freaking out, thinking we had a real problem. It turns out that the company who manufactures the oven only makes wall oven, and the contractor solved the problem by having me buy one more base cabinet to put the oven in. Not so bad after all! It just meant one more trip to Ikea, but it could have been way worse!
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