Friday, May 20, 2011

Week ending 5/20/11

On Monday, it was d day (or "decision day") for the master bedroom closet door curtain and we decided to keep it. I need to get it shortened now, but I'm glad to be moving ahead.

I also got the shade up on the side door - Yay! It looks so great and this is one of the few areas of the house where everything you see is in it's final state.

Here is the before shot with the white plastic trash bag held in place by blue tape. It's been this way for too long.

Here is the after shot with the shade installed - I'm pleased with how it looks.

Just for laughs, this is how this area looked just after we took possession. This is after some heavy cleaning out so you're not getting the full effect of how bad it was. The side door is in the dark on the left - not the greatest picture, but hopefully it gives you an idea.

On Tuesday, I buffed the office window and it's now ready to put the shade on. Yay!


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