Friday, November 18, 2011

Week ending 11/18/11

On Tuesday, I had the plumber come and tackle a few small jobs that have been annoying us for a while. It's nice to finally be at that point where these little things don't seem like they're never going to happen. He fixed a leaky outdoor faucet and a slow bath vanity drain. The big thing though, is our new kitchen faucet.

When we first put the kitchen in, I ended up rushing to get all the materials because we weren't going to do a full kitchen remodel. When we started demolition and cleanup though, it was clear the kitchen couldn't be saved - it was just too gross and deteriorated. So we were in a rush to get it done since were doing construction anyway. I grabbed a faucet from Ikea because it was cheap and convenient, but it turned out to be a poorly functioning item. The hot water had to be on full blast or not at all because if it was on a low flow the handle would drop and shut it off. The plumber told us it couldn't be fixed and that we needed a new one.

So now, 5 years later, this has finally made it to the top of the list. The new faucet is so much nicer and it's much bigger too, which makes for more room in our too-small sink. It's probably too big decor-wise, but it's really nice so I don't mind.

Here's a shot of our kickin' new faucet:


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