Friday, January 06, 2012

Week ending 1/6/12

Happy New Year!

I really hope this year is the year we begin to enjoy our home. It's been such a slog, but we only have one heavy project to go and then they're all minor for the foreseeable future. We've been talking about doing a big addition or modification at some point, and I think we're going to talk to an architect soon so we can make some decisions. Once we handle a job in the bathroom shower and make some more progress on the garage, we will be in a position where we can't do any more work until we decide what the big plan is. More on that big plan to follow!

On New Year's day, we decided to actually do something productive and went to Ikea to look for a chair for the den and for some storage for that room as well. We have an old coffee table that is holding all the components for the tv right now and aside from being ugly it doesn't function well or protect the equipment.

We didn't buy anything but got some good ideas. I'm pretty well settled on the chair but I didn't want to buy it because I couldn't be certain it would fit in the den. Since it's easier to drive down and buy something than it is to try to fit it back in the box and return it, I opted not to buy on the spot.

On Monday, C had off from work for one final day and we spent about an hour sorting a box from the garage with old papers in it. We didn't finish the box, but all progress is good. We really want to get some order out there in the garage - it's the last bastion of chaos from the remodel and it's really getting annoying.


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