7 days and not looking good
I started today extra early by going to the permit office to speak to one of the inspectors who has been out a few times. The inspectors, while tough on code issues, are very nice and helpful to homeowners. I went to see him to find out about getting the electrical panel inspected prior to our final so that the electric company doesn't shut it off. We'd also like to avoid having to pay for installation and removal of temporary service for just a few weeks. I got some good information from him that I think will help me.
I went back to the house to work on some scheduling with the contractor. Even though things don't look good now, he thinks we can still move in by next Wednesday. My biggest concern is that I want to be ready for the plumber to come out on Tuesday. That way, we can have a toilet and hot showers. We have electric, so we'll be able to prepare food and keep it cold. Everything else can happen after move in.
I went and picked up the door molding (we're using the same as the window molding) and looked at some flooring. I think I want bamboo in the master bedroom. Both the guy at the flooring store and the guy at the home improvement store thought that installing hardwood flooring is something an first-timer can do. I've seen it on TV, and it looks like something I could manage. A project like this is also a "low risk" project. Unless it is really screwed up, it should look good enough and there is no structural issues.
I stopped by the house at about 8, and the crew was just leaving. The bathtub is framed and has the plywood skin on it with the bathtub coutout. I am thrilled with the design! You never know how something will look in real life when you lay it out on paper. This is my first design ever, and so far I really like it.
Here is a shot of the bathtub. The raised part on the right will have an opening on the front to hold towels and a drawer below to hold other stuff.

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