Our first kitchen cabinet!
Today I spent some very happy time putting things into the first kitchen cabinets that we can use! It may sound like a small thing to be so excited about, but for three months, we have been scrounging through 3-5 paper grocery bags on the floor every time we eat. Where are the nuts? Where are the vitamins? Where is the oatmeal? We've been managing, but it does make meal time a chore. Today I was able to put all the bags and paper goods into cabinets. It feels great! While we are still constrained to just microwave, fridge and paper plates, it will be easier now that I don't have to safari everytime I need to find something.
Here is a shot of my put-away groceries:
Eventually these tall cabinets will have more shelves, drawers, baskets, hanging racks, etc.

I am beginning to see that the fallout from this remodel will probably last years. As we have space available in the kitchen, I am putting things away just to have them put away. It's not that the things I put in these cabinets belong there, it's just that I wanted them off the floor right away. Also, I will put things away in the order I can get them out of the garage. I am picturing that this will go on for a few months, and then one weekend I'll just have to pull everything out of the kitchen and organize it. The same applies to the rest of the house. Also, there is so much paperwork - contracts, bids, information, manuals, etc that all has to be filed. There is also numerous small parts to keep track of and put away. Every new thing we bring (even down to the faucets) comes with various extra small parts.
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