Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Landscape calls today

Today I finally started calling landscapers. It's a really overwhelming - the yard is in such bad shape and there is so much to do. We almost don't know where to start. We had a plan drawn up in March, so we at least have that to refer back to. We are looking to hire someone like a landscape architect (not the kind of landscaper who just plants things and maintains the yard). We think we can handle any planting that needs to be done, but what we need to have dones is much more complex. The entire grade of the yard needs to be corrected. The yard slopes toward both the house and garage, which means water pools there. We have both left-to-right and back-to-front slopes in the yard. We want to have a level patio placed near the future back door. The concrete walkway on the side of the house needs to be fixed, and there are side stairs that need to be replaced because there is a gas meter there that cannot be properly accessed. We also need drainage put in (ties in with the grading) and sprinklers as well. All this will get us ready to put fencing in. It's a lot of work, and I feel much less able to take this on than I did the entire house remodel. It felt good to at least get started though.


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