Saturday, March 24, 2007

Water Heater cabinet

Today I had the new handyman I've been using come in and build a water heater cabinet. Since we now have a large, active, smart puppy, it was a priority to get this done. Not to mention I hate looking at the water heater in my nice new kitchen. Most of the things I needed a licensed contractor for on my existing permit are done, so my options are wider for jobs like this. The new handyman I found is great, and has a lot of different skills. He used to be a furniture maker, so this was not hard for him at all.

Here is a before shot where you can see the water heater in the corner behind the fridge.

Here is how it looks now:

Not bad, eh? We kind of wish we had gone tankless and put the water heater outside, but at the time the decision had to be made we weren't going to remodel the kitchen so we just replaced the existing water heater. When we got into demolition and saw just how bad things were, we realized it made much more sense to remodel now, but the water heater was in place already. Oh well, live and learn. We will surely go tankless when this needs to be replaced.


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