Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Another inspection passed

We passed our next inspection today, which was to have the drywall looked at (they want to check the screws and make sure there are enough and that they are properly placed) and to have the outside waterproofing and lath looked at. Both passed with no problem. I am really hopeful we can finish the windows and patch the stucco and have another try at passing final inspection. I have a bad feeling something will come up. Today's inspector mentioned something about putting a number on the house. We already have one, but if he didn't see it the number must not be adequate. I was so flustered and nervous (so much rides on these inspections) that I didn't think to ask for specifics.

I am especially nervous about getting trapped in the corrections loop where they send an inspector, he gives you corrections, you make them and call for another inspection. A different guy comes out and says your corrections are fine but gives you a whole new list of corrections, etc, etc, etc. It's like looking at the never ending reflection of a mirror in a mirror. My electrical panel had to be inspected 4 times before passing and all of the corrections were done each time. With final building, they walk through and pretty much anything is fair game whether it was on your permit or not. If it took 4 tries to pass the panel, which has a small scope and specific code, imagine how many tries it could take when the whole house is target and there are codes for everything, even the number of pins on your deadbolt lock! Ugh, is there any hope? No wonder people do things without permits.

For today's decluttering task, I took 2 bags and one box to goodwill, and created a smoothie/vitamin/dog supplement area near where the blender is stored and used. I moved spices out of the most prime real estate in the kitchen to a spot where they are still reachable and the ones we use daily are in easy reach. I love the new smoothie station. C and I have smoothies every morning, and I use the opportunity to add lots of supplements. We also take vitamins and the dog (who has a health issue) has a rigorous supplement schedule as well. To have all this together in one spot near the blender and grinder has been really great. I got the idea of a beverage station from this blog:


While I am not as much of an organizing junkie as she is, I do love to organize things and come up with better ways to do them. My mind naturally works that way, and even when I am out socially I always notice ways that a restaurant or store could work better. I did do one job as a paid organizer, and I did a lot of process design and documentation in my prior career as a business consultant and project manager. I find though, that I love doing it for myself and not for work. I hate clutter and chaos, and I hate looking for anything. My thought is that if something is worth owning, it is worth being able to put your hands on immediately.


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