Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Working on garage

The big push right now is to get the front 10' of the garage cleared so that the garage door can be installed. The garage is still really full of stuff, and no, we're not hoarding a bunch of worthless junk in the garage. There are things in there we want that just cannot be moved into the house yet. For example, I have a small stereo that I want to use in the office, but the office is still under construction so I don't want to set it up yet.

We also have several large pieces of furniture in there that we now know we won't use, but moved in with us because we thought we would use them. I tried getting rid of a dresser, but now they only pick up at least 2 pieces and they don't take desks. They may take them though - the operator said she would add them to the order and see if the drivers took them. So, the push is to get the furniture accessible enough so the furniture can be taken on Monday. The next push is to finish moving everything into the back 10' of the garage so the door can be installed in a few weeks.


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