Monday, January 05, 2009


Today was my first day back to work after the holidays and it wasn't very productive. I wanted to work on sanding the windows and found my work light had burned out. Fortunately it came with a replacement bulb, but it took 20 minutes to change which left very little time for sanding. In fact I didn't even get one window sanded. I also have a new errand which is to get a new bulb before this one burns out. I use a really strong work light so I can see where I've sanded and make sure it's even.

Today's work session was 30 minutes bringing the total on the windows to 208.5 hours.

I also had problems with two windows due to our prior incompetent contractor. He's like a cold sore - the problems he caused just keep coming back. We have three windows in the dining area arranged like a bay window - a bigger one in the middle flanked by two of the same height but narrower width. The windows we purchased came only in certain sizes. Since PIC was going to be installing them, he measured and told me what sizes to buy.

Here is a conversation that happened before we bought the windows:

Me: The smallest width is bigger than the width between the studs of the window opening
PIC: No problem, we'll notch the studs
me: OK

I ordered the windows.

A few weeks later, or probably a few months in his case, as he was installing new windows:

PIC: Uh, this window is too big to fit between the studs
Me: I know, you said you would notch the studs
PIC: I did? Oh, I guess I'll have to make it work.

As a result, these windows fit really tight, and I had to spend some time trying to fix an insulating strip that got pulled out of place because wet shellac touched where it shouldn't due to bad installation. Will his gifts to me never end?

I got rid of another box today, continuing my unpacking in iteration. This box had framed photos and a few decorative items that I wanted to keep but had no place to put right now. I culled the box down, put a few things away and transferred the contents to a plastic tub in my closet that was only partway full (this is how it's been working all along. In the tub was a basket I still need to sort, so that will be my next unpacking and decluttering project.

I've been working on cleaning hard water deposits on my Corian bathroom vanity top and bath faucets. The buildup occurred over the last few years and happened faster than I could clean it. I've tried so many things, including scrubbing with a toothbrush for what probably amounts to hours. The deposits are still there. I finally found a product from Simple Green called Lime Scale Remover which seems to work really well. Each application, along with the requisite scrubbing with a toothbrush, removes a little more of the deposit.


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