Friday, January 16, 2009

one window done

Today I spent half an hour on the windows bringing the total hours to date to 211. I finished one of the windows in the living room by buffing it, and was able to remove my small "status" note from the wall next to it. With so many steps to each window, I use a note next to each one to keep track of where I am. It felt so good to remove that sign. However small a step it is, it is progress.

Next, I worked on setting up the miter saw I bought a few weeks ago on sale. Our prior incompetent contractor advised me against getting a miter saw and instead advised me to get a miter box, which is a hand saw with a device that lets you cut various angles. Since the window trim is the third home improvement project we could have really used a miter saw for, I broke down and got one which I am very happy about. It was only 75 dollars, and the miter box was 15. For an additional 60 bucks, I could have saved hours of time and a lot of aggravation. Yet another thing he screwed up. It's hard to find a place to put the saw because the dogs play in all the open spaces in the house. I eventually decided on the den because that room is mainly a walkway to the backyard at this time and there's a lot of open space. It won't be such a big deal to have a project set up in there for months. At least I hope it's only months.

I didn't want to set up the saw out in the garage because it would mean a lot of walking back and forth and leaving the garage door open while I work. I don't like to do this because the dogs get in there and are up to no good. Our older dog hates the garage door, so every time I have to go in or out, it means confining the dogs to the house. It's just easier to have it inside even though it will make a mess.

I'm still working on picking window shades. As with anything house, it's complicated, expensive and there are way too many choices and way too much good and bad information to sort through.


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