Friday, July 24, 2009

Week ending 7/24/09

On Tuesday, I spent another hour working on a solution to my shim problem on the window shade. I did actually find a shim that will work and now I just need to finish it so it matches the rest of the window wood work. It's a piece molding called screen molding.

On Wednesday, I got an offer from the window washing company to pay for the replacement parts ($404) and decided to take it if they waive the window washing fee of $150. It doesn't make me whole, but I can't make myself sick over it.

On Thursday, I spent 1.5 hours prepping for the next coat of shellac. I'm slowly moving forward on the windows. While I had the air compressor out, I used it to clean some of the construction dust in places like under the bed, in corners and the intake vent for the whole house fan. Construction dust is so unlike regular dust it shouldn't even be called dust. I really hope to be done the windows by 9/30.

Total hours on windows to date: 285.5


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