Week ending 9/11/09
On Monday, I spent a half an hour sanding the last coat of shellac. I tried the new support belt I bought and loved it. All the bending and using arm strength from weird positions is much less taxing while wearing the belt. It's one of those black elastic things that goes from your ribs to your hips and cinches tight.
On Wednesday, I spent another 45 minutes sanding. I didn't get as much time as I wanted though - I thought I'd have 2 hours and could finish sanding this coat. We had plans on Sunday and the Monday holiday threw me off and I had to catch up today on other household tasks. I'm bummed that I already missed my first deadline in the October 9th goal. I'm going to rewrite my board and hope it doesn't keep stretching out with each mini-deadline.
Hours on windows and doors to date: 310
Here is the hub we've been working on. All the wires for the phone, internet and cable tv come into this spot and then go to the various components. It's messy, I know, but that's how these things are. We are going to clean it up a bit once it's more final and then this closet will (someday) have doors.

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