Friday, March 12, 2010

Week ending 3/12/10

C was sick this week and I was very busy with work and other things so the only house progress was 1.5 hours of sanding. Total hours on woodwork to date: 354.25

We've also made a decision on the technology in the house c- we're upgrading to fios internet and tv and getting droid cell phones and getting rid of home phone. We've been working on this project for a while, and it feels really good to finally be ready to move on it. By shopping around, we've manage to save money and improve our technology. We'll have much faster internet that doesn't randomly go down more days than not, equivalent tv with better and cheaper dvr, and very cool cell phones that we can actually use in the house. We haven't been able to use our cell phones at home because we don't get an AT&T signal here. It will also be way better for my business as I'm getting more into internet and social media marketing.


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