Friday, January 29, 2010

Week ending 1/29/10

On Saturday, I started in on yet another box from our move almost 4 years ago (May will be 4 years). I cannot believe we still have boxes, and more than a few! I also cannot believe how often I say to C "oh, I finished another box in the garage and nothing looks different.

Monday, I spent 1.5 hours sanding and am almost half done the first of 4 interior doors. It's small, but it is progress.

3 window shades also got delivered - the two for windows 2 of 3 and 3 of 3 in the living room and the kitchen window. The living room windows are close to ready for the shades - I need to finish putty-ing and buff them, which I hope to do next week. I'm very excited about this as it gives me a legitimate break from sanding and will make a rea, visible change in the house.

Wednesday, I spent another 1.5 hours sanding and got the first of 4 interior doors done. I'm making progress slowly, but I am making progress (said more for my benefit than anyone else's). On to the window in this room (the office) and hanging the living room window shades.

Thursday, I spent 30 minutes decluttering and got one more box done from the garage. There are so many boxes and I cannot believe we are still unpacking 4 years after our move.

The big news this week is that our mattress and foundation got delivered! I cannot wait! Our existing mattress is so horrible we both are in constant pain from it. C's back hurts all the time and my back and shoulders are in bad shape. I've been waking up every 1-2 hours with numb limbs or a shoulder wrenched out of place. I cannot wait to sleep on the new bed!

On Friday, I rearranged my day to go to Home Depot to pick up materials to make a platform for the bed. We were unable to find a bed quickly and so we're making a platform just to get it set up and off the floor. Sometimes I wonder what people who are not DIY'ers do in situations like this. I had planned to get the living room window shades up, but this takes priority and really, that's the way it goes with a fixer upper - time marches on and the projects roll.

fri - rearranged day to go to home depot to pick up materials. had a session planned on the windows, would have gotten shades up in lr but had to go to home depot instead. that's the thing with a fixer upper is that time just marches on and you keep doing things.

Total time on windows: 346.75


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