Friday, July 08, 2011

Week ending 7/8/11

On Saturday, we did about 5.5 hours with both of us working hard. We did a lot:

  • We got all of the renovation stuff out of the den
  • Put up a mock up of tv up we want for this room on the wall with blue tape. We're between 2 sizes and want to see how the larger size works.
  • Got the curtain up as a temporary door for the closet. It's a bit disappointing because it doesn't look very good, but it's done and can be revisited later.
Our new theme is "When THAT {whatever the current item we're not happy about} becomes the worst thing in the house, we'll fix it. And that will be a good day!"

On Sunday, we didn't want to do anything. Monday was a holiday and C had to work but I took the day off and went to the beach for the first time in a few years. We go several times a week to walk, but I hadn't actually sat on the beach for almost 2 years.

Thursday, I spend 3 hours putting up the last two window shades, and the window shades are DONE! They look great, I love the shades I picked. All the woodwork in the house is done except the back door and the trim that was put on the back door when we did the flooring.

Here's a shot of the den which I'm really happy with: Of course we need to get rid of the plastic shelf by the door, but all in good time.

On Friday, I spent about half an hour looking for a full length mirror. Do you believe we've lived here for 5+ years with no mirror? Ugh. It's one of the top priorities right now, but the reason I worked on it today is that I could do it from the computer. I didn't do any home improvement stuff until late, and I didn't have much physical energy but I could do mental stuff. I was only going to look at the long list and line up the next few projects but I got kind of excited about this one. While browsing, I saw some decorative stuff too, and that got me excited to hang some of our pictures. Someday.

One of the things about a full length mirror is that we need to order a custom one because C is so tall. We had a standard 5' one in our last apartment, but he couldn't see his whole body in it where it was placed. So I'm hoping to find one that is 6' tall.


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