Friday, January 13, 2012

Week ending 1/13/12

On Friday, I met with the guy that does our lawn and yard maintenance and his cement guy to get a quote for replacing our side walkway. We have a cement walkway on the side of the house that got damaged in the last big earthquake. Part of it now slopes toward the house, and there's a gap of an inch where water flows under the house when it rains. The walkway is low - the wall of the house is on one side, and my neighbor's property sits on top of a retaining wall that's about 5 feet high. Thus, the walkway gets not sun, and when it rains, we actually get mushrooms growing in the gap! Gross. It also smells damp and moldy in the room over this part of the house, so I am thrilled to finally be getting to this. It felt like this was something that would never get done.


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