Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Ugh, not fun

There should be a limit on the number of incompetent people you talk to in a day - something like the RDA, but with a limit of no more than 2 hours or something. I spent all morning trying to track down a part. Nobody could give me any more info than I could get on the web. Not one person could do anything but pull up a parts diagram (which I can access online) and ask me which part I wanted. Ugh. I ended up getting a good price and fast deliver from an online company. I did end up ordering more than I needed, but at least the problem is solved.

The installers realized last night that a small part was missing from the cooktop. I never unboxed it when it got delivered because it was in protective packaging. Unfortunately, you only have one month from delivery to inspect it so the manufacturer will not replace the part. Fortunately, it is an optional part, so it is not a big deal. The lesson is unbox delivered items right away. Although, I wouldn't have spotted this part until the the cooktop was installed anyway.

When the general contractor first came out, he and I worked out where the cooktop vent would be on the outer wall of the house. He and I went through it with the plumber and his helper when they arrived. We marked a big "X" on the wall where it should go. The plumber ran into problems, and talked to me about a few alternative locations, but all along the one thing I was insistent upon was that the fumes from the cooktop not vent behind my trashcans. I was concerned about fumes being trapped and getting greasy fumes on the trashcans. I wandered out after they had been working a while, and find the plumber about to drill a 6" hole in the side of the house behind the trash cans! Why????? I immediately stopped them, and then they tried to convince me to vent it there because they were close to done. NO! I finally just had to put the kibosh on it and said if necessary, I'll call your boss (the general contractor) because we already discussed it. They eventually gave in and did it right, but jeez, what is wrong with people? Do they think I made emphatic points and marks on the wall for my health? How many different meanings could "Not behind the trashcans" have?

caught vent going in wrong place at last minute - why did they change it? talked to gc, talked to gc with them, talked to them, and they still put it in the wrong place. looks done, waiting to hear if ready for insp


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