Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Not much to report

Today I didn't get much done. I had problems with my crackberry, I mean Blackberry. Of all things, I lost my task list! I back up frequently, so lost data is usually not an issue, but for some reason it just would access the task list unless I did a search. This kept me from being really productive - I use the task list to help me keep on top of the massive tasks on several to-do lists. I spent several hours working on it and ended up buying a used one on eBay. I'll probably upgrade to a newer model next time I have to replace it.

The contractor called and, gasp, apologized that his guys will be here late tomorrow instead of at 8:00 a.m. What a concept!

Today's organizing project was to put all the teas I have into a plastic basket. Putting things into a container (or "containerizing" as it is known by organizers) is a great way to minimize clutter and keep things from getting out of control. Now I have limits on how much tea I can have. If they don't fit here then something has to go. I did the same with the small tupperware containers. They are all neatly contained and not falling out every time I go to get one, and there is a limit to how many I can have. I love this philosophy, and use it for many things around the house. I believe that how much you can have is dictated by how much space you have. If it doesn't fit comfortably, something has to go.


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