Yard day 3
Today the crew trenched for sprinklers. I picked up locks for the gates and went to the door store where I looked into getting new frames for the 4 interior doors. Our prior incompetent contractor told me to get the incorrect jamb depth (4 3/4, and they should have been 5 1/4). Even though he admitted to his mistake he refused to fix it. I ordered new jambs, and I have a handyman that will rehang the interior doors with the new jambs. We also had the trees trimmed.
Today the metal guy was here and put 4 of these metal plates for the gate posts. The posts are 4x4 iron and get welded to these plates which are in cement. The plates themselves are like tables. You are seeing the table top floating on freshly poured cement. The table legs are buried underneath in the wet cement.

It was here by the back door, where we hope to have a seating area. It is so much better without the tree. It probably won't live, but at least we tried to save it.

Here is the view from the back door. Note the nicely trimmed trees on the left (what an improvement!). They also did the ivy overhanging the back wall. I can't wait to get in there and get rid of all of it. I never even knew there was a fence on top of our retaining wall. You can see the sprinkler trenches all over the yard.

Here is the view from the back looking toward the house. You can see the sprinkler trenches and freshly trimmed trees.

And what a treat - we had this adorable 8-week old Rottweiler puppy here today. The landscaper just got him and didn't want him home alone all day.

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