Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I am still prepping for garage door, working a little bit every day to get the front 10 feet of garage cleared for installation of the garage door.

This project has taken so much time and has been very overwhelming. I estimate that since moving here 26 months ago we've moved everything at least 5 times.

My efforts in the last few weeks have made the garage a lot worse and jumbled up whatever organization we had. Our stuff is now packed in a lot closer with no order the way it is arranged. I hope I can access what I need in the meantime

We still have lots of stuff still out there that just isn't ready to come in yet, e.g. my small stereo. I have a small bookshelf stereo and with the construction mess in the house there isn't really room and it would get very dusty.

Prior to this house, we lived in small apartment (600-800) and everything fit fine. Now we live in an 1,100 s.f. house with a garage and it is a MESS. I feel like my apartment vomited up it's contents, each of our possessions spawned it's own family and then someone shook it up like a snow globe. I'm not cluttery by nature; most people know I don't hold onto things and like to live small. I'm just not sure what has happened here - we definitely have not gone on a buying spree, and in fact have gotten rid of a lot since living here.

Part of the mess is construction debris - leftover materials of mine, tools I now use, materials for projects in process, etc. Part of it is stuff left by contractors. I found 4 bags of open stucco and one full one. Only 2 open ones are mine, the rest are left by our incompetent contractor. it was NOT fun moving a 94 pound bag of stucco that is the size of two grocery bags, squishy and has no handles. The incompetent plumber left several pieces of large duct work behind. Yeah, I'm working on getting rid of things, but it takes time to get rid of stuff so that it doesn't end up in landfills. I've made a commitment to always have something on Freecycle until we are cleared out.


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