Thursday, September 04, 2008

lots going on

We trimmed the palm trees out front last weekend, and we are getting closer to deciding to get rid of them. They are just too much work, and neither of us loves them. Also, they provide no shade, and the house gets hit with afternoon sun from midday on, so it gets really hot. After we trimmed the trees, there was no room left in the yard waste bin, and won't be for a few weeks, so no cutting back the ivy. Not only does it delay my ivy cutting, but the ivy continues to grow while all the time. The worst part is that no sooner had we cut and a few new branches popped out, one of which hit wires. The trees also drop large, heavy leaves which could hit someone walking by. The trees have to go! Several people have told us we can sell them though, which makes me glad not only for the money but also for not having to kill a mature tree.

I drove about an hour to pick up the whole house fan we decided on yesterday. I'm meeting the contractor tomorrow - I hope it works out!

I also started working on the shower again. Even though we got advice from two bathroom places and the incompetent general contractor, we ended up with the wrong kind of tub. It's a drop in tub, so there is no lip for the water to run back into the tub. Thus, I have to make an all-around enclosure like you would with a clawfoot tub. I purchased hospital trac (like you see for hospital bed curtains) and need to install it in the ceiling. It's quite tricky, and comes with no instructions so I have to reinvent the wheel.


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