Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The fan is done!

Woo hoo! The roofers were here today and the ventilation is done, which means the fan can be cranked up on high! We are having a burst of really hot, dry weather so it is just in time. So far, it seems to work great. In the peak of the day's heat, it doesn't "cool" so much as make it less hot and more comfortable. It is definitely not sweltering in here like it has been. It's hot, but not so hot that it smacks you in the face as soon as you walk in.

Next projects are putting the shower curtain up, and putting some shelving in the garage so we can start putting things where they belong.

Also, I'll be updating my schedule soon. We REALLY want to get to the flooring, so I will be looking for ways to streamline the schedule and remove things that aren't on the critical path to flooring.


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