I am so excited! I have 40 linear feet of shelving to play with! Oh the possibilities! I had to do a long work session today, but I wanted those shelves up! I am so tired of living in mess!
Here is a shot of the underside of the shelves. I used these "L" brackets so that the space under the shelves isn't impeded by a triangular bracket. These are 14" brackets, so I made the shelves 16" deep. I choose the 14" because they were less than $2 each and to go any bigger jacked the price up closer to $10 each.

Here is a shot of the shelves. They are a little blocked by the stuff in front of them, but you get the idea. The windows are from the house. We had to re-replace a few of the windows and are keeping them to install on the garage. We are planning on installing a door and 1 or 2 windows and maybe a skylight or two as well.

This is a rusty bike someone left on our median strip. I called the police to report it as abandoned because it hasn't moved in days. The police officer told me there is nothing he can do about it until it's been there for two weeks. We have a huge problem with people dumping their trash on our median strip. We are often finding shopping carts, furniture, etc there and the more that gets dumped the worse the problem is because people think "oh, that's the neighborhood dumping ground. The sad thing is that even though the police won't remove it, I can be ticketed for having abandoned property on my median strip. Nice - hold me to a standard then give me no power to live up to it. My neighbors all think I'm too soft for even trying to do the right thing. They think I should just cut the lock and let it get stolen. Seems a bit harsh to me when the police could take it and keep it safe. They did put a note on it, so if it isn't gone they have grounds to remove it.
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