Speaker stands this weekend
This past week I made a Home Depot run and picked up material to build speaker stands for C. He got new speakers for the living room, and they are too easy to tip over to leave them on the floor of the living room where the dogs could bump them.
We spent 12.5 hours between Saturday and Sunday and that's even with all materials on hand, except for that mandatory 2nd trip you make to the home improvement store before completing any home project. It was not the most fun weekend, but at least they are done and the speakers are safe.
We used some of the woodworking skills we've picked up along the way, so it was fun to design and build something we needed for very low cost. They are just a temporary solution - eventually we'll suspend them from the ceiling so they are really out of the way. But that project is not even on the horizon for at least a few years, so at least we have something in the meantime.
We didn't do as well as we wanted to, and could definitely do better next time. We still need to decrease the depth of one speaker stand because our prior incompetent contractor didn't make two walls that were supposed to be the same length the same. Of course, we should have measured both walls, but you'd think that wouldn't be that hard. We also made the mistake of wanting them to fit too perfectly. Had we not been trying to have it be the exact depth of the niche, we would have been fine. Oh well, live and learn.
Here are the new speaker stands, constructed of plywood and 2x4's. The picture is dark, but due to computer problems I can't rotate any of the photos which show them better so here it is.

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