Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Slow progress on windows, unpacking

Today I spent an hour on the windows bringing my total up to 212 hours on the windows. I was mainly setting up the miter saw so I can do the window trim for the one window that is ready for it. There is a huge safety & operation manual to read and lots of adjustments to make. I also needed to set up a work surface using a piece of plywood, which I happened to have in the garage and sawhorses which I also happen to have.

I also continue to declutter and unpack. I finished a basket today that had been on a bookshelf in the old apartment. It's amazing how much life changes in the 2 3/4 years we've lived here. I was able to get rid of a ton of business cards and two holders because I use a Blackberry now and no longer keep cards once I put them into it. I also got rid of several notebooks that had information I no longer needed. It feels really good to be making progress here. It is getting really trying to live in chaos and clutter for so long. I also really want to finish unpacking. It's had to happen in stages, but slowly it is happening. It takes a long time to declutter and unpack. I'm conscious of getting rid of things in an appropriate manner instead of just putting them in the trash. I shred everything personal.


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