Friday, July 15, 2011

Week ending 7/15/11

Last weekend was really busy. C worked Saturday and we had family over on Sunday for sort of a grand unveiling.

We also had a really busy week and I felt entitled to and much in need of a respite from remodeling. These last 5+ years have been really hard and I'm worn thin on the remodeling.

The only thing I got done was ordering a rug for under our bed. Currently we have cardboard under it, which was put there to keep the floor from getting scratched. It's the worst looking thing in the bedroom and makes the room look like crap.

Here's a link to the rug - I'll post pictures when it's put in place:

Here's a shot which is here just because it's funny:

That's Danny sleeping on his bed in our bedroom with his head in the closet.


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