Friday, January 20, 2012

Week ending 1/20/12

On Saturday, I heard from the guy who is going to do the cement walkway and we agreed on a price. Now we have to figure out when to start.

Monday was Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and C had the day off. We've had a lot scheduled lately, so both of us just felt we wanted an unscheduled day. C ended up spending several hours unpacking a few boxes we brought home from his parents' house. He also got rid of some more stuff in the garage.

I spent the afternoon working on the shower/bathtub issue. We're going to change out the bathtub because we got bad advice from 3 different people and the tub we got can't be properly enclosed for a shower. It's the last big, yucky project we have for a long time, and although I'm dreading it I will feel like an anvil has been lifted from my shoulders when it is done.

On Tuesday, we locked down our schedule with the cement guy and he's starting on Friday 1/27. I'm not looking forward to jackhammering and not being able to walk through the walkway, but I'll be glad when it's done. We're thinking of putting the dogs paw prints in the cement. It's an out-of-the-way area so it won't be seen very often.

One Wednesday and Thursday, I tried to upload pictures of the bathtub construction to a photo sharing site I use all the time. Of course, since it's home improvement it didn't got smoothly. I was unable to get the photos up and have to have C look at it this weekend.


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