Week ending 2/10/12
On Wednesday, we went to the Grand Opening for a new Lowe's in our area. It's 11 miles away, but that's much better than the 25 I was travelling to Lowe's just to avoid our awful local Home Depot. We picked up light fixtures for the office and den. They are basic track lighting, which I realize is not the height of fashion but they will work well and not be too obtrusive. C has been home on vacation and really noticed how bad the lighting in our house is. Back when we were trying to close our permit in 2007, I needed light fixtures because the city will not allow you to have a bare bulb, so I went to Ikea and bought a bunch of $4 fixtures just to get us past inspection. They've been really bad and don't provide much light. I've always known we'd have to change them, but now it's getting closer.
On Friday, we talked to the contractor about the bathtub. The bad news is that it's going to be a bad job. Ugh. Nothing is ever simple in this house.
This was a trash can we saw on our dog walk on February 10th. I guess some people really don't want to give up their Christmas tree because the person is just throwing it out today. I thought it was a pretty funny way to get rid of the tree. Later in the day I noticed that the city did not pick it up.
This is our headless dog sleeping. Just kidding, he has a head! He sleeps like this sometimes with his head in the closet.

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