Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Wed 3/2

So, yesterday at the end of the day I asked the guys to put the pieces of 2x4 in between the bed and the wall as a spacer to make sure the bed doesn't get pushed against the wall and block the outlet. At bedtime, the bed felt strangely high, and this is the reason:

Yes, they actually propped the head of the bed up on 2x4's. And they did this after seeing how it was properly set up just 6 hours earlier. I asked them to fix it first thing, and this is what I got:

Um, yes, seriously this really happened. Morons!

They crew started today in the den which they had started yesterday. C and I spent the time before he went to work getting the office ready. During the day, they finished den and got working on office, looks good, but they left one really jagged edge in a prominent place near the door, had to have him recut. Honestly, these guys just do the barest minimum until I ask them to actually do their job.

The other things was that puttying the baseboards. It's in my contract that the baseboards need to be puttied wherever there is a nail hole or seam between two pieces. Yesterday, after they said they finished the bedroom I noticed there was no putty. I asked them to do it, and they said "oh, you want that puttied?" Uh, yeah, that's why it's in the contract that the entire house baseboards need to be puttied. Today, they "finished" the office with no putty on the baseboards. When I asked them to do it, they said "oh, you want this room puttied too?" Um, yes, that's what whole house means.

Here's the office before:

Bleh, I've lived with these nasty paint footprints for almost 5 years!

Here's the office after:

After they finished, they put the office furniture back wrong. This isn't the biggest deal, but a) they saw it in place just a few hours before and b) why wouldn't you ask before you start moving stuff? I was there the entire time, and I made them move it all a second time when I saw it was wrong. When moving and replacing the furniture is in the contract, I'm sure as heck not moving it myself because these morons couldn't be bothered to do it right the first time.

On to the hall..... first off, it's in my contract that all the underlayment seams should be taped with tape that I provide (duct tape). When they started, I showed them the 4 rolls of tape I had and put the tape exactly where they said to so they would know where it was. One on of my inspect-the-entire-job-every-10-minutes walkabouts, I found them taping the seams in the hall with painter's blue tape! This is no way, shape or form could be even remotely considered to do the job. It's meant to be temporary and not to bear stress like people walking on it. When I asked them about it, they said the ran out of tape. Uh, duh, how about the remaining 3 rolls that were right where you told me to put them yesterday?

They also filled the hallway with small scraps of underlayment which they were not supposed to do because it creates unnecessary seams. We purchased more than enough underlayment, so there was no risk of running out. Again with the poor work ethic!

Here's a shot of the hall with that lovely blue tape and scrap pieces of underlayment. I did make them retape with duct tape.

In the afternoon, a neighbor complained about noise which really pissed me off! That sucks. We're obeying law, working within noise hours and can't set the saw up inside because the sawdust will damage the floor. I get that noise is not fun, but it seems crazy to complain about it especially when you know your neighbors have a fixer upper house that was under construction when you moved in. She didn't confront me, only the workers and I told them to ignore her since we weren't doing anything wrong.

One of the guys touched C's big tv screen and left nasty handprint. I sincerely hope it comes out.

About 8 pm, I heard rain and went out to look at pile they had left outside. I told them yesterday and today it might rain but they of course paid no attention. There was a big pile of trash getting soaked, which was fine since they have to dispose of it. Their boom and dustpan were also outside, which isn't great since they have to use that broom in my house. A bucket of concrete-like leveling compound was sitting out there with no lid, which is not great since it will harden into a bucket of cement but again, not my problem. Finally, the coup-de-gras: my indoor rug from the den! Lovely. Soaking wet, now filthy and sitting out in the rain.

As if the rug wasn't bad enough, they left part of the kitchen cabinetry outside as well. That was fun, hauling in a 3' x 8' piece of my kitchen in the rain.

These numbskulls - people think i make this stuff up but I could never come up with this many screwups in one day.


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