Friday, July 22, 2011

Week ending 7/22/11

On the weekend, C had to work one day so not much activity happened on the house. I also felt the need for some time off from remodeling after hitting last weekend's landmark of "no longer a constructon zone."

On Monday, I finished buffing the back door which only took about 15 minutes. Buffing the woodwork is done except for the trim on the back and front door which isn't even shellacked yet. It was installed with the flooring in March, but it's far from the most annoying thing so we probably won't get to it for a while.

I do have to removed the tape residue on the glass so I taped off the woodwork so I can do that next work session.

On Friday, I got all the residue off the back door and it looks so good! It's the first time we've been able to enjoy how beautiful the back door is. Now the trim looks really bad, but such is life in a fixer upper.

Here's a shot of our beautiful back door:


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