Friday, November 27, 2009

Week ending 11/27/09

On Sunday, I skipped my usual fun activities and spent 2.5 hours on the trim which I finished! It wasn't a fun day, but it was worth it. After being away all week I just needed to get something accomplished.

Total hours on windows and doors to date: 325

I also finished cleaning and reorganizing of the kitchen cabinets. It's a maintenance job I've been tackling in 15-30 minute increments over the last few months. It's the first time since Fall of 2006 when the kitchen was mostly done that I've stepped back and re-examined what I have, what I need and where it's kept. I was surprised at how much room for improvement there was and how much I was ready to get rid of after thinking just 3 years ago that I should keep it.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Week ending 11/20/09

We did nothing this week on the house. We took advantage of C's time off to go on a fun trip to San Deigo.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Week ending 11/13/09

On Saturday, we spent 4 hours rearranging the office. It's still very makeshift, but it's a big improvement for now.

On Thursday, I spent 1.5 hours finishing the trim on the office window and getting the first piece up on one of the two bedroom windows. 7 pieces to go! (plus a few doors, but I can't do those until the floor is in).

Hours on windows and doors to date: 322.5

Friday, November 06, 2009

Week ending 11/6/09

On Monday, I spent 1.25 hours doing the trim on the office window. C and I spent about half an hour planning the iteration of the office arrangement. We changed the office at least 5 times since moving in May 2006. And we're not done yet! Once the flooring is in, we plan to do some cool built ins with lots of storage and bookshelves.

Hours to date on windows and doors: 321