Week ending 5/25/12
On Wednesday, the contractor finally sent over the estimate. It took a month! There are some details to work out, but it looks pretty close.
This is a blog we set up so interested friends and family members can follow our remodel. We're very excited and hope to share our success with you. Please don't post any identifying information in your comments. I do sometimes get behind, usually due to having to transfer my pictures from the camera and from working some long days. I usually do at least a few entries a week though, so be sure to read back a few days to catch them all.
On Wednesday, the contractor finally sent over the estimate. It took a month! There are some details to work out, but it looks pretty close.
We almost went out on Saturday at the last minute to attend an event where we could get up to $1,000 for a drip irrigation system. Our front yard is still just dirt and weeds, so if we got the irrigation for free we could just throw a few bucks into some plants and at least it wouldn't look like a junkyard like it does now. After a lengthy conversation, we decided not to do it. It's one more project to tackle, and no project is ever simple. It's not a permanent solution, and we would end up tearing it out when we redo the front. It didn't seem fair to take the grant money when someone else could put it to better use for something they'd keep permanently.
Still no estimate on bathtub.