Monday was Labor Day, and I actually took the day off. I went to the beach in the late afternoon which is my favorite time of day.
On Wednesday, we finally got the call that the tub was in and I called on Thursday morning to arrange pickup. The warehouse person was unable to figure out if it was in their local store or in their warehouse over an hour away. I know, I'm crazy to ask the warehouse rep where an item in their inventory is. I ended up leaving a message for the sales person and he confirmed the tub was an hour away and agreed to get it delivered to the local store for our pickup. He promised it would be in by 10 am the next day (Friday).
On Friday, I actually got a call at 11 am saying it was in at the local store. I called the contractor and he called back late afternoon and said he'd pick it up tomorrow. We're still not sure of a start date.
This picture has nothing to do with the renovation but is just for your entertainment:
Danny likes to snooze in all sorts of weird positions and his tongue is almost always out.